You want to give your property a fresh look, but every time you paint an exterior surface, you get bubbling issues. This is where one layer of paint pulls away from the surface or another layer of paint to form a bubble. Large bubbles look more like blisters and can even pop open. They can ruin the smooth look of your surface and make you regret having spent so much time painting. So, how do you avoid bubbling in exterior paint?
Prepare the Surface Properly
Much of the bubbling on exterior paint surfaces is about failing to prepare the surface properly. Paint is more likely to pull away from surfaces that have dirt, stains, texture, or other issues. Most exterior surfaces need to be washed, scraped and sanded before painting. They may also have gaps or holes which need repair.
Avoid Moisture Issues
Exposure to humidity or moisture can make paint bubbling much more likely. For an exterior paint job, you need to plan to avoid the rain. The surface you work on should be totally dry (which means you need to wait after washing it down.) Ideally, you would plan so that it does not rain at least four hours after the paint was applied, and ideally until it has fully cured. If it does start to rain, don’t panic. Usually, it takes heavy rains to cause paint bubbles.
You also need to be careful to avoid generating humidity near your new paint surface. Wait until the paint is fully cured to do things like wash an animal, use a barbecue or run a sprinkler near the newly painted surface.
Do Not Mix Types of Paint and Primer
Your paint and primer need to match each other. Applying a water-based paint over an oil-based primer or vice versa will make it more likely for your exterior paint to bubble. You should choose paints with the same base ingredients. It is sometimes even best to choose a primer and paint from the same manufacturer, as they are designed to work together and create the best finished surface.
Help the Paint Dry Correctly
Your paint needs to dry fully, at the correct pace, in order to prevent bubbling. For example, if weather conditions get very hot, the paint may dry too fast, and parts will peel away from the surface. Conversely, if you dilute the paint, it may dry too slowly, which also can cause bubbling. To avoid all of this, ideally, you’d paint outside when there are consistent temperatures, avoiding the peak heat of summer.
Professionals paint in all kinds of weather, so how do they avoid this? Depending on the circumstances, they may use a conditioner to ensure the paint dries at the correct pace.
Hire a Professional
While people believe that slapping on a coat of paint is simple, if you want professional results without bubbling, there are actually a lot of factors to consider. Don’t waste time or energy. Choose a professional painter who has experience getting consistent results with exterior paint and hire them to do your paint job.